rock and heavy metal

Rock and Heavy Metal

Introduced by American soldiers, rock and roll was popular in Saigon during the Vietnam War. This genre has developed strongly in the South and has spread out over the North region after the rise of Bức Tường in the 90s.For the last 10 years, metal has become more mainstream in Vietnam. Ngũ Cung and Microwave are the current top Vietnamese metal bands in the 21st century.

Microwave band

During the Vietnam War, the Americans brought with them the rock and roll style. This spread after the warlike wildfire and began growing until it became mainstream in most of the regions. So yes, for the past decade or so, Vietnam has even generated the Rock and Heavy Metal music culture, their current top bands being Buc Tuong, Microwave and the Black Infinity. Although the current generation is heavily inspired by contemporary music in Vietnam, traditional music there will always have a sense of intrigue to them and warmth to the older generations. The last decade has been really experimental and evolving in the Vietnamese music industry but this hasn't brought it down at any point of time. Instead, their love for their folk music forms has just kept growing and it remains one of the major tourist attractions till date.