Charity Concert

Charity Concerts


The Most Successful Charity Concerts Ever February 10, 2021 Charity concerts or as they’re also known, benefit concerts, have been around since the first benefit concert back in 1971. They came about when people realized that instead of just asking celebrities and influencers to donate their own money to charitable causes it would benefit the charities more to have them perform. On top of this, the celebrities encourage people who are watching or attending to also donate to the charity, and as they have influenced many people to listen which brings in even more money to the charity. It also helps to raise awareness for the charity which can lead to long term financing for the charity as the specific charity that has been selected to receive the donations will be remembered, this means that if people want to donate to charity in the future the selected charity will still be on their minds.

Benefit concerts also generate a lot of media attention which also helped the selected charity. For charity concerts to be effective for charity then there need to be top musicians, actors, and entertainers. They also must make sure that what they have lined up for the charity concert is enough to attract and keep thousands of people interested. Over the last 50 years, there have been some amazing charity concerts that have done just that, keep reading to find out which charity concerts have been the most successful. One Love Manchester In May 2017 a tragedy struck Manchester after there was a terrorist attack in Manchester Arena during the Ariana Grande concert. 2 weeks later Grande and her manager organized one of the biggest charity concerts in history to raise money for the Manchester Emergency Fund. The concert starred many famous celebrities who were happy to show their support for Grande including Justin Bieber, Coldplay, Mac Miller, and Miley Cyrus.

Although there were so many top performers there that night Grande stole the show. People were amazed that she had managed to return to perform in Manchester so soon and she looked incredible too, if you want to look as good as Ariane did that night then check out the facemedstore for all your face and skincare needs. The Concert for Bangladesh This was one of the first big charity concerts, it was organized by The Beatles guitarist George Harrison and Ravi Shankar. It was a pair of charity concerts in Madison Square Gardens in New York City. They were trying to raise money and awareness for those who had become refugees as a result of the Bangladesh Liberation War genocide. This was important to them as prior to the charity concert there was not much international coverage of this tragedy so they wanted to make as many people aware as they could and encourage support. Many hit artists at the time volunteered to perform including Harrison’s ex-band member Ringo Star as well as Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton, and Billy Preston. This concert was huge, 40,000 people attended to show their support, and over $250,000 was raised for the relief fund for Bangladesh. The Concert for New York This concert was held in Madison Square Gardens in New York following the devastating 9/11. This was a massive shock to America and the rest of the world, this charity concert was a way to honor the police and firefighters who gave their lives that day and to be a start to rebuilding from the tragedy. This is one of the most successful charity concerts to this day, it involved many top musicians including Paul McCartney from The Beatles, Mick Jagger, Elton John, and David Bowie. The most memorable performance from the Concert for New York was The Who, their performance was short but emotional and it had such an impact on so many of the viewers it led to Roger Daltrey and Pete Townshend receiving Kennedy Centre Honors seven years later. Alongside the top musicians, there were also short films by some well-known directors including Martin Scorsese and Spike Lee. Many politicians were there to also show their support including Hilary Clinton. This event raised over $30 million making it one of the most successful charity concerts ever.